T&P 54: Time Is On My Side

Season #2

Time is a precious commodity, and how we spend it—invest it!—will determine whether we have the abundant life Jesus promised. I refer in this episode a powerful classic book, Spiritual Leadership: Principles of Excellence for Every Believer by J. Oswald Sanders. You can find it here: Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders. I only touch on Time in this episode, but this book is rich in leadership principles. 

The old blog post I allude to is here: A Different Drummer (Cheaper Than Therapy Quilting). I so enjoyed this venture into blog writing about fifteen years ago. After Sam passed away, I lost the fervor for it until the Lord impressed upon me to do a podcast. You'll catch glimpses of my humor and wry way of looking at the world, using Scripture to inform all the things we were experiencing at that time. What a beautiful season! God is sooo good!

And as always, find me at Talk and Pray for Life and Business. If you click on "Podcast" in the menu, it'll lead you to a place to get added to my newsletter/email list. I'd love to have you join my community!!