The Value of Events

education entrepreneurship events faith and business women in business Jul 29, 2024
A graphi of a traffic intersection with Intersection in upper left quadrant, date and time in upper right quandrant, Talk & Pray logo in lower left quadrant, London KY in lower right quadrant. Dots in the road indicating center line, and the words Of Faith and Business in the center of the Intersection

In my sales career, one of the principles that was confirmed over and over was the power and value of an event. Sitting under the education and inspiration of gifted leaders absolutely creates space in your mind for what is possible. I've been to countless events—financial, educational, spiritual—and left each one with my thought life expanded.

I recently attended an intensive training for my leadership role in our local Bible Study Fellowship class. As one former attendee described it, what I learned was like "drinking from a water hose." SOO much content, so many hints and helps. I'm sure I won't remember them all when class starts in September, but I'm also confident that God will bring to mind what I opened my mind and heart to during the event. I made myself available to learn; He will give the increase of that time and investement.

In September, Talk & Pray will be hosting an event called "Intersection of Faith & Business." I will be joined by 4 other professional women who will be presenting information for women in business. Inspiration and Education...

I hope you'll make yourself available to this valuable event! So much to learn, and to gain, from getting with like minded people, networking, and fellowshiping with women of faith in business.

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