Picture This
Sep 03, 2024
One of the first Bible verses I remember my mother quote is Proverbs 25:11.
From the King James Version:
"A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver."
I think she loved the imagery of the verse... it was both opulence and simplicity, beauty in a still-life that illustrated the picturesque use of good words. The right word at the right time. Not just eloquence, but appropriateness.
My mother was careful with her words. She measured how they would land before she sent them flying from her mouth. She was aware of their power to influence, to maim, to heal, and she thought about their tone and their implications before she spoke. She didn't mince words; she valued truth too much to be mealy-mouthed. But the image of golden apples kept her from speaking impulsively or in the heat of the moment.
I've been reading Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders, a classic instruction manual for leaders, and one of the qualities he mentions is dignity. The image it brought to mind was of the late Queen Elizabeth the Second, with her regal bearing and careful words. If there is any indication of a good leader it is one who has that quiet dignity and careful forbearance.
Forbearance is a financial term relating to the delay of payment, or in general terms a delay in enforcing rights or claims or privileges. In terms of our speech, it is delaying our need to assert our "rightness." Being right doesn't always mean you must be heard. Sometimes silence is best, and in the words of Jesus, "wisdom will prove herself" (Luke 7:35).
I think of my mother's quiet dignity, and it is a quality I wish I had more of. I need to keep that image of golden apples in my mind and heart, so that my words are both beautiful and treasured.
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