Minimum Man

adhd extra mile labor quiet quitting relational work relationships work Jul 23, 2024
A muted background of women talking and writing with the Talk & Pray logo and Minimum Man, Let's Tap That Blog Title

In Talk & Pray for Life and Business Podcast Episode #47, I talk about teaching my children to have a great work ethic by assigning them chores when they were small! Each child responded to their chores in different ways... Emily as the responsible firstborn, Sam the middle child always ready to please, and the youngest, Will was the one who rushed through his chores with manic fervor only to have to return to do them again because they were, in the words of my mother—the “I must accomplish something everyday” patron saint—“half-rumped.” We teased poor Will with the name “Minimum Man.”

Did you know that there’s a trend called “quiet quitting”? People show up for work, draw their salary, but do the absolute least they have to do. NOT how I was raised to work! What does it mean to have a great work ethic? According to Scripture, our work is to be done “as unto the Lord.” As I read Genesis, I see how God walked in the Garden with Adam and Eve as they cared for His creation. Work, then, is relational. There’s a reason that “many hands make light work.” It’s not just the multiplication factor; it’s also the joy of community and fellowship as we do things that matter.

As Emily and I talked about work, she told me about a technique that is helpful for people with ADHD. Her implication is that I might have an attention deficit... and as she described how the technique—called body doubling—I realized she might be right, and the technique definitely works! 

Someone comes alongside you to get you started. And I can’t count the number of times my mom did that! I think the Holy Spirit does it, too. He comes alongside us in our work. That fellowship with Him, the relationship, gives work meaning. No quiet quitting if you are working as unto the Lord! No minimum man syndrome.

Give the podcast a listen, and find out what became of our Minimum Man! You’ll find the podcast at Talk & Pray for Life & Business on Apple Podcasts or on the podcast platform you frequent.


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