Do the Thing

action do the thing eat that frog opportunity procrastination Aug 06, 2024
A book spine and pen, poised for writing, with Talk and Pray logo and the words Do The Thing above Let's TaP that

One of my mother's favorite saying was "Do something, even if it's wrong." She didn't mean morally wrong, of course. Instead, she advocated taking action. Even if it were the wrong action, it would advance your position or clarify what was needed next. Inertia only serves to paralyze you further.

I understand the potential for the wrong action to be disastrous, and my mom wouldn't have advocated being foolish. She was well aware that we should do the best we know at the time of our decision. Case in point: my parents didn't know very much at all about investing. They'd been taught that investments in stock was gambling with their hard-earned assets, so they never took advantage of the gains they could have made by putting their money to work.

What they did know, however, was that saving, even when your income is limited, is a vital part of a healthy financial base. As a result, they had a nest egg that served them well in retirement and beyond.

Best decision? No, but they did the best they knew at the time. As we watch our own portfolio fluctuate, we appreciate the stability of a savings account, and continue to make saving a part of our financial base.

You can over-analyze any decision for life and business. And of course, our decisions should always be bathed in prayer and align with the wisdom of Scripture, but sometimes you just gotta do the thing. As I write, I see the classic Brian Tracy book, Eat That Frog! on my bookshelf. 

What's holding you back? Inertia? Indecision? Overwhelm? Do the thing. Do it now. There may be fallout; there will be consequences...but you'll have moved forward, made progress, opened up doors.

And isn't that better than sitting still wishing for things to change?

"Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap... Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well."  Ecclesiastes 11: 4, 6

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